New York City | Florida
“Always go a little further into the water than you feel you are capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth, and when you don't feel like your feet are quite touching the bottom, you're just about in the right place to do something exciting.” - David Bowie

who is ette
Raised by a creative, ETTE's grandmother is her "why". Showing her how to use a ruler in the third grade to design the cover of her elementary school yearbook. Pushing her to move to New York City to pursue art when everyone else thought she was crazy. Fast forward to 2019, two years after her grandmother's passing, ETTE debuted her first solo show in the penthouse of the historic Triangle building of Meatpacking District, Manhattan. Believe it or not, that same year, ETTE adopted her late grandmother's left hand dominance when painting without explanation.

Behind the scenes
ETTE is a prolific multidisciplinary creative. A powerhouse, ambidextrous, jack of all trades holding degrees in creative advertising and graphic design. Everything from website coding, show flyer design, social media branding, creative directing, curation, color theory, building her own frames, stretching canvas, clothing design, color theory, photography, modeling, etc. She attributes her work ethic to her basketball career which ended with a BIG10 basketball championship from Michigan State University.

trophy case
Accolades include but are not limited to: Modern Art Masters (Lourve, Paris 2019), Festival de Cannes (Cannes, France 2022), Museum Curation for Governor Fifi Masuka (DRC, 2021), Volunteer Art Teaching (DRC 2021).
Now expanding globally:
Exhibiting in France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Africa.
Current Studies
"My current studies deal with foraging the seasons of one's life. There is newness rearing it's head through the fallen leaves of the past. Embracing my 30's doesn't just feel like closing a chapter, but a book. I made the official "snow bird" move from the big apple to the sunshine state and thus have been creating from the in-between. In between who I was, and who I am becoming. Detoxing from the sugar rush, utterly addicting energy of New York City. Settling in to the the slow, honey drip belabored breath of the Florida ocean. Observing as my artistic style, inspiration, and process shift right before my eyes. As does everything around me and about me. This is a sacred space, a necessary one. There is nothing but surprise in store for my long-time collectors."