Multidisciplinary Artist

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ETT3 is a contemporary painter, human rights activist, and published poet. New York City based, exhibited world wide. Born in rural Michigan, 1995.

Inside the Artwork


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  • Where have you exhibited internationally?

    Paris, France. Cannes, France. Berlin, Germany. Milan, Italy. Heidenreichstein, Austria. Each country brings it's own unique atmosphere and experience. The place I am currently dying to exhibit is Japan.

  • Inspiration?

    Pain transmutation. The human psyche. Reinvention of the self. Activism. David Bowie. Queen. Elton John.

  • Is ETTE your given name?

    My grandmother always called me Taylorette. I can still hear it. She is one of my favorite artists in the world. When she passed, I adpoted Ette as my chosen name in homage to her. Along with her left hand dominance.

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